The Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) published the information about this year’s RES auction dates. According to the plan, the auction are about to take place on 25-26 November, 2-6 December and 9-13 December.

The first auctions on 25-26 November will apply to biogas installations, both new-built and existing.

The most important auctions for investors in wind power and PV will take place on 5 December. The auction will apply to new installations in this sector, with capacity above 1 MW. 

The auction including offshore wind installations (among others) below 1 MW will take place on 9 December, and above 1 MW – on 12 December.

Auctions for onshore wind installations below 1 MW will take place on 10 December.

Please note that the dates are still subject to change, and the final confirmation of the dates by ERO must be announced at least 30 days before the auction. The official announcement will also include energy volumes allocated to specific auctions.

Announcement of the ERO President on schedule of auctions planned for 2019