Draft Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the maximum volume and value of electricity from renewable energy sources which may be sold at auctions in 2017.

The Ministry of Energy has announced the volumes for RES installations for 2017. The draft regulation is available HERE. Public consultation announcement is available HERE.

The English version of the regulation will be available early next week.

The legislators envisage the following installations to be built:

1) agricultural biogas plants:

a) with installed capacity not higher than 1 MW – 70MW;

b) with installed capacity above 1 MW – 30 MW;

2) biogas plants at waste landfills, with installed capacity not higher than 1 MW – 5 MW;

3) biogas plants at sewage treatment plants, with installed capacity not higher than 1 MW – 5 MW;

4) dedicated biomass firing installations with installed capacity above 1 MW – 100 MW;

5) hydro power plants

a) with installed capacity not higher than 1 MW – 10MW;

b) with installed capacity above 1 MW – 10 MW;

6) solar (photovoltaic) power plants, with installed capacity not higher than 1 MW – 300 MW;

7) wind power plants with installed capacity above 1 MW – 150 MW.

When determining the volume of electricity to be generated by the above mentioned installations, the unit energy value was adopted at the level indicated in the regulation of the Ministry of Energy of 17 October 2016 on the reference price of electricity from renewable energy sources in 2016 and the periods applicable to producers who won auctions in 2016, excluding installations mentioned in items 6 and 7, where due to very high supply of projects the values of 400 PLN/MWh and 330 PLN/MWh were adopted respectively.

§ 6. The maximum volume of electricity from renewable energy sources which can be sold at auctions in 2017 by producers who generated electricity for the first time after the auction closure date in RES installations with a total installed capacity above 1 MW:

7) other than listed in items 1-6, amounts to 5,175,000 MWh, and its value equals PLN 1,972,413,921.