The Renewable Energy Sources Act – a document we have been long waiting for, a document that still formally does not exist. To date we have learned a number of drafts, including the latest one including provisions extremely disadvantageous for the wind energy industry. It is likely that many of us are asking themselves about the purpose of further activity in a sector, whose legal environment is changing so rapidly, where one never knows what will surprise him today and in the future.
Therefore, our activity during the current works on the RES Act is crucial. For the first time in several years we have an opportunity to create a legal act that will be less susceptible to personal changes, political games and private interests of circles determining the energy policy. That is why the key theme of the next Wind Energy Forum will be the development of a strong coalition for the future of the wind energy sector. If provisions adverse to the development of green energy will be maintained in the draft, we will meet on 20 November in Warsaw not to complain, but to jointly agree the tactics of the fight for a good law in the Polish Parliament. If – and we still hope this will be the case – the draft will include our proposals, we have to gather our strength and energy to face an attack of circles demonstrating very different views on the future of the energy sector.
This may sound dangerous, but one has to name the situation we are facing as we see it – wind energy is the target of uncompromising attacks. Despite our arguments, despite our the obviousness of our commitments towards Europe, despite proven positive impact on the environment and economy wind energy is still considered as a necessary evil rather than a true opportunity for our country. An opportunity for inexpensive, efficient energy; an opportunity for the development of entrepreneurship; an opportunity to create new jobs.
The XVth Wind Energy Forum may be a breakthrough in the fight for specific provisions in the Act. Meetings held to date and the extraordinary representation of the industry many times have proven that our voice counts in the legislative process; many our demands and proposals of specific provisions have been eventually implemented in the key legal acts.
Register today!
With kind regards,
Krzysztof Prasałek
President of the Board