Ministry of Energy launched consultations of a draft “Energy Policy of Poland until 2040” (EPP2040).
EPP2040 is the State’s strategy for the energy sector – it constitutes the response to key challenges the Polish energy sector will face in the next decades and lays down development paths for the energy sector, taking into account the tasks that need to be implemented in the short term. EPP2040 will be implemented through eight directions in the energy sector, divided into executive measures.
Next to the core document, the EPP2040, Ministry of Energy also presented other documents:
Conclusions from predictive analyses concerning meeting the demand for electricity until 2040
(broader analyses will be presented later due to the works on the “National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-”. The document will include a number of detailed forecasts, yet publication of partial results is not possible);
EPP2040 Q&A
– a document providing additional knowledge why specific solutions were adopted;
EPP2040 Executive Summary
– enabling the readers to learn key issues described in the core EPP2040 document.
A Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment will be carried out after EPP2040 consultations.
Remarks may be filed by 15 January 2019 through a dedicated form.
Source: Ministry of Energy
Full communication to be found (HERE)