The Polish Wind Energy Association has requested the Minister of Climate to extend the auction support scheme for RES.

According to the recommendation, the auctions would be held at least until 2026, i.e. for additional 5 years. Such a process would require a notification to the European Commission.

According to the European Commission’s notification decision of late December 2017, the auction-based support scheme in Poland will be in place until 2021.

RES auctions, introduced in 2016, proved to be an effective and competitive mechanism.

Arguments for the extension of the auction system:
  • forcing competition between RES generators, giving the government the possibility for long-term price reduction for end consumers
  • cheap and clean electricity from RES with the lowest fixed costs, i.e. wind and solar, can significantly support the economic recovery after the pandemic and the resulting crisis
  • stimulating innovation in the Polish economy around the RES sector
  • stabilization on the RES market supporting the process of just transition in Poland
  • maintaining the pace of RES development in Poland is also in line with the EU’s climate policy.

Full text of PWEA’s position paper on auction scheme extension