RES auctions are coming. They are scheduled for June 8 2021 (for installations above 1 MW) and June 11, 2021 (for installations up to 1 MW), we encourage you to read the Quick Guide to the 2021 Polish auction system for renewables, which will present the current state of wind energy in Poland and will guide you through the subsequent stages of the auction. The guide explains step by step what the investor support system is, how long it lasts and what obligations are imposed on the auction winner. Finally, the guide deals with the current topic of the COVID-19 pandemic and related changes in legislation aimed at halting the economic crisis, including the so-called Anti-crisis Shield 1.0. The handbook in a thoughtful way introduces you to the subject of the auction and introduces you to current issues.

The guide answers the most frequently asked questions related to the preparation and participation in auctions. What criteria must a project meet to be eligible for the auction? Can all electricity generation equipment be installed? And is it possible to transfer the rights and obligations that an investor has acquired through an auction? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the latest Quick Guide to the 2021 Polish auction system for renewables.

We encourage you to read this year’s version: TO DOWNLOAD