On February 20, 2013 in the “Under the Dome” Hall of Ministry of Economy will take place the conference “Renewable Energy – opportunity for municipalities” organized by the RES Friendly Communes Association being the event’s initiator, the Union of the Rural Communes of Republic of Poland, the Polish Economic Chamber of Renewable Energy, the Renewable Energy Association and the Polish Wind Energy Association.

The Conference has received the Honorary Patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister Janusz Piechociński.

The purpose of the Conference is to discuss the ways to minimize the barrier for the development of investments in the local markets of renewable energy sources, like spatial planning and associated long-term planning procedures, the potential impact of the investments on the environment or the protests of local communities. The Conference is addressed mainly to the representatives of the local governments and is meant to become a platform for integration with the business sector interested in development of renewable energy sources in Poland.

To participate in the Conference were invited – among others – the representatives of the following ministries: of Economy; of Environment; of Agriculture and Rural Development; of Health; of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy; as well as representatives of the President’s Office, the General Directorate of Environmental Protection and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


The Media Patronage of the Conference includes: Agroenergetyka, Czysta Energia, GLOBenergia, TVR, energiawiatru.eu, gramwzielone.pl, reo.pl

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