On behalf of PWEA, PwC consulting firm and Domański Zakrzewski Palinka (DZP) law firm we would like to invite you to participate in the first simulated auction for Renewable Energy Sources in Poland. 

Registration for the simulation will be launched on 28 April at www.zieloneaukcje.pl and will be open until 7 May.

The auction is available for all technologies subject to the new support scheme.

The first step to participate in the simulation is to register the bidding company (from 28 April to 7 May) to receive a special code enabling the submission of auction bids. The codes ensure full anonymity and confidentiality of submitted bids; this will be supervised by DZP law firm.

Before the commencement of the auction PWEA will announce reference prices, whereas the auction volume will be set at tens of percents of submitted bids – hence it will be clear not every subject will win.

The second step will comprise the opening of an auction session (8-13 May), when investors (using previously received codes) will submit bids after logging on the auction website www.zieloneuakcje.pl.

During the event you will be able to use a simplified financial model, which will assist you in calculation of the auction price. The model will be avaible with the launch of the second step (8th May).

The third step – after the auction session is closed – will be the announcement of results in the form of a webinar (an online conference to be held on 15 May).

Persons interested in more detailed analysis of auction results as well as additional knowledge in the area of legal auction procedures and bid development methodology will have the opportunity to participate in a seminar held on 19 May in Radisson Blu hotel in Warsaw. PWEA, PwC and DZP experts will be at your disposal during the event.

Access to webinar and auction including submission of one bid costs 350 PLN (+VAT). The event enables the submission of more bids (max. 4) at an additional fee.

Two bids – 700 PLN

Three bids – 1050 PLN

Four bids – 1400 PLN

The fee for auction must be paid when registering online.

Seminar participation cost is PLN 1200 (+VAT) per person. Seminar fee must be paid after sending the application form based on the pro forma invoice.