More and more companies feel the impact of electricity price increases. Looking for protection from growing costs they choose the cheapest RES.
Energy price increases have mostly affected the largest energy offtakers, whose costs have risen by tens of millions of złotys. The not too optimistic scenarios forecasting a further increase in energy prices force more and more companies to invest in their own wind farms and solar panels.
Example is given by Boryszew Group, manufacturing automotive components, employing 12,000 people in 14 countries. Boryszew Group’s CEO, Mr Piotr Lisiecki, recently announced a plan to build a 25-30 MW wind farm. He emphasized that it was linked to the strategy to counteract increasing energy prices and to introduce savings. The Group’s demand for electricity amounts to 500 GWh per year. Mr Lisiecki also spoke about the possibility to install solar panels at manufacturing plants, which would bring significant benefits.
Photo: Dawid Moszka
Other companies will certainly recognize the potential of investing in RES, which are not only safe for the environment, but also profitable.