As of June 14, 2024, new Balancing Conditions developed by the Transmission System Operator and approved by the President of the ERO on 27.09.2023 are in force in the Polish electricity market. The new rules have been implemented as part of the second stage of the balancing market reform provided for in the Plan for Implementation of Electricity Market Reforms in Poland.

Therefore, we cordially invite you to participate in a two-day training that will provide comprehensive knowledge of the balancing market in Poland. As part of the training, we will discuss:

  • What changes have been introduced in the balancing market in Poland as of mid-June 2024, including the new entity and facility structure and the new balancing services catalog.
  • Market rules for pricing balancing energy and power reserves.
  • The 15-minute settlement period for balancing energy and imbalance.

The training will help you understand in a practical way how to find your way in the balancing market, especially for renewable sources. We will also present practical information on the operation of WIRE and SOWE systems.

Training date: August 8-9 this year from 9:00 am

Place: Zielna Center, 37 Zielna St. 00-108 Warsaw

Registration via link —->


Agenda of the training “New balancing conditions”.

Day I: Jakub Guzikowski

9:30-10:30 What is the balancing market, what are its objectives and how are they implemented?
a. Specific aspects of the Polish RB (central disposition)

10:30-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-11:45 Previous principles of RB in Poland (before June 14, 2024).
a. Entity structure
b. Object structure
c. Accounting rules for purchased balancing energy (free balancing and forcing), imbalance and reserves
d. Specific rules applicable between October 2022 and June 2024.

11:45-12:30 Lunch

12:30 – 14:30 Current RB rules in Poland
a. New entity and object structure
b. Active participation in RB of non-conventional entities (mandatory and optional)
c. New rules for accounting for balancing energy and imbalance energy
d. Market rules for obtaining reserves
e. Implementation of the operating reserve mechanism (scarcity pricing)
f. Reduction of imbalance and balancing energy settlement periods to 15 minutes and a gate for reporting USE (45 minutes before the start of the respective ORN), PP, balancing bids and bids for reserves (55 minutes)

14:30-14:45 Coffee break

14:45-15:45 Question and answer session

Day 2: Jakub Guzikowski + Transition Technologies

9:30 – 11:00 Detailed rules for the operation of wind farms under the new RB
a. Passive wind units
b. Active wind units

– Specific rules for determining the Work Program
– specific rules for accounting for forced reductions/production

– mandatory services provided by JGz
c. Prequalification rules for balancing services and required information exchange systems with TSOs

11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 – 12:15 Question and answer session

12:15 – 13:00 Lunch

13:00 – 15:00 Transition Technologies – Information on TT Group ICT solutions in the area:
a. Telecommunications and server infrastructure
b. Cooperation with the Transmission Network Operator through SOWE, WIRE, LFC systems.
c. Optimization and scheduling of generation and scheduling units
d. Cyber security
e. Support of REE and trading processes – IT solutions for POBs

You are cordially invited!