According to studies carried out by University of Sussex and Aarhus University, Europe utilizes only a small percentage of its capability to produce electricity from onshore wind farms. With an adequate number of wind turbines, the volume of electricity generated could be a hundred times higher.
The opponents of wind power use the argument of natural variability of wind, claiming that it will not allow wind farms to meet the global energy demand. Studies on the prospects and opportunities of the wind sector show that untapping the potential of all regions of the continent and developing wind power in various countries will make it possible to generate energy fully meeting Europe’s demand.
Photo: Irena Siełacz
According to scientists’ calculations, erecting 11 million wind turbines across almost 5 million km2 would allow 52.5 TW of wind capacity to be installed. Such a capacity would be sufficient to cover the energy needs of the entire world. According to the estimates, it would be possible by 2050.
Onshore wind is the cheapest mature energy source, so it is worth to utilize its potential to a larger extent.
Information based on article published at inż website.